Get ready to discover ProFit ! 💪
The main goal of ProFit is to help you track your progress during your Fitness workout.
You'll be the strongest in the gym !
When you workout, you want to focus on it at 100% to optimize your results.
You don't want to lose focus on such things as "What am I doing next ?", "Did I perform better than last time ?" or even "How many reps do I have to do ?"
ProFit will help you, guide you, follow you across your workouts.
To do so, the ProFit Workout Helper is composed of :
• Current Exercise reps and loads you have to do
• Enter the reps you did and compare them to your goals
• Old session performance on each exercise
• Integrated Timer for resting times
• Skippable Exercise is you don't feel like doing it...
• .. But if you feel good, you can add extra set while in workout !
• You can set up supersets and circuits ! (CrossFit)
• Choose your goal : Countdown or reps
• In countdown mode, hold for the longest time or do the maximum number of reps (Crosstraining)
• Workout summary at the end of each session
You can create your own workouts, using pre-integrated exercises or by creating yours ! You can even add a personalized picture for each exercise.
The application contains more than 80 exercises (and more to come !) of bodybuilding, cardio training and some of them require no equipment !
The ProFit app is also a performance tracker:
After some workouts, you'll be able to discover your progress on all of the exercises you've made.
Did you get stronger ? Nothing could be easier to see.
In addition to that, you can track your body measurements, just add them in the app and after a few time it will be available to see on charts !
Personalize your app:
Choose your theme (Light, Dark or AMOLED Black), your units of preference,date formats, sounds, vibrations, ..
Export / Import Data
ProFit allows you to export data locally on your phone. Useful if you decide to change phone or just want extra security (Data is automatically backed up each time you workout).
Moreover, all data is securely saved on the Cloud
Your goals are now easy to reach
Whatever your discipline, bodybuilding, weightlifting, powerlifting, crossfit, crosstraining, cardio training and many others!
Whether you are a man, a woman, beginner or experienced. This application is made for you!
You will be able to gain muscle, lose weight, or simply improve yourself.
ProFit is the application you've always wanted for your trainings.
Track your workouts and see your progress !